Set IXIASOFT CCMS Web configuration properties

After installing IXIASOFT CCMS Web Server, set its configuration properties.

To set IXIASOFT CCMS Web configuration properties:

  1. In the system/webplatform/configuration folder, check out and open the web.platform.config.xml file.
  2. Edit the properties as follows:
    Entry Value
    Specify the default domain used when users log into CCMS Web. Enter the value as follows:
    • If your IXIASOFT TEXTML Server is installed on Linux, leave the value blank.
    • If your TEXTML Server is installed on Windows, type the Windows domain name you have defined for your corporate user credentials. If this value is left blank, users must type their domain and user name when they log in using the syntax "domain/login" or "login@domain".

    Imported images will automatically use the language code of its parent topic.


    Specify the format used by default when an image is imported into CCMS Web. It must be one of the formats defined in the multiimage.xml file under system\conf.

  3. Save, close, and Check In the file.
    The configuration properties for CCMS Web are set.