Configure storage duration for My Outputs page

When a user generates an output, the resulting output is stored on the user's My Outputs page. You can change the duration for how long the output remains. This is a global setting for all users.

The online storage of outputs is meant to be a temporary storage of recently generated outputs. It is not a long term storage solution for outputs.
Note: In a dedicated SaaS deployment, you cannot directly access IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator.

To configure storage duration for My Outputs page:

  1. On the server hosting IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator, open the %OutputGenDir%/conf/ folder.
  2. Edit the CMSServerService.config file.
  3. Look for <daysToKeep> in this section:
  4. Change the value of <daysToKeep> to the number of days you want.

    The default value for number of days to store outputs is 7.

    Note: At the time of output generation, the output is flagged with this value. Suppose a user generated output when daysToKeep was 2. It is still be deleted after 2 days, even if you later updated daysToKeep to 14.
  5. Save CMSServerService.config.
    The storage duration for outputs is set to the new value for future output generation.