Collaborative Review and Approval creation process

IXIASOFT CCMS Web uses a two-steps process to create Collaborative Reviews and Approvals.

Creation of the object

First, CCMS Web creates the Collaborative Review or Approval when a user clicks Create in the New Collaborative Review or New Approval dialog. These objects are snapshots of the map plus the additional properties specific to each object type. The object creation process is synchronous, so the user sees a loading icon while it is happening on the server.

Creation of the HTML and optional PDF outputs

If the first step is successful, the second step is to generate the HTML and optional PDF outputs. The output process is asynchronous, so it starts when the New Collaborative Review or New Approval dialog closes, and then continues in the background until it completes or results in an error.

A user can monitor output progress on the My Outputs page. One entry is for the generation of the HTML content, and a second entry is for the generation of the PDF content, if it was selected.

Collaborative Review and Approval objects have a status in their workflow to support this asynchronous generation. By default, this status is named creating, and it has the value start for its type attribute. While objects with a Collaborative Review and Approval status reflect the above statement, the status and its attribute are not visible on My Assignments pages. A user can locate the status of these objects using the Search feature.