Set a status for documents re-translated from source

In IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop, you can now specify the status that documents after a Retranslate from source operation, which reverts the content of one or more objects to the original source language.

The following list summarizes the steps required to implement this feature:
  • Configure the status in the localizationManagers.xml file.
  • Add the status in the following workflow files:
    • topic_status.xml
    • map_status.xml
    • image_status.xml
  • Add the status to the prepareLocalizationPackage_api method in the accessrights.xml file.
Note: This feature applies to the Sequential Localization Manager only.

To set a status for documents re-translated from source:

  1. In the TEXTML Administration perspective, connect to your server.
  2. Configure the status in the localizationManagers.xml file:
    1. Locate the localizationManagers.xml file in the repository's /system/conf collection.
    2. Check out and open the localizationManagers.xml file with a text editor.
    3. In the com.ixiasoft.cms.controller.localization.sequential.SequentialLocalizationManagerService manager class, add the retranslated.state parameter and set it to the new state.
      Note: In DRM, this class is named com.ixiasoft.cms.controller.localization.sequential. SequentialLocalizationManagerServiceWithContainer.
      For example:
      <manager class="com.ixiasoft.cms.controller.localization.sequential.SequentialLocalizationManagerService"  
         name="Sequential Localization manager">
            <config name="substantialChange">false</config>
            <config name="full.context">false</config>
            <config name="context.document.type">Dita2Pdf</config>
            <config name="include.default.images">true</config>
            <config name="in.context.exact.matches">false</config>
            <config name="translatable.attributes">alt,navtitle</config>
            <config name="retranslated.state">retranslated</config>
    4. Save, close, and check in the file.
  3. Add the status in the prepareLocalizationPackage_api method:
    1. Locate the accessrights.xml file in the repository's /system/conf collection.
    2. Check out and open the accessrights.xml file with a text editor.
    3. Look for the line that starts as follows:
      <method name="prepareLocalizationPackage_api"
    4. In the <statuses> element, add the following element and specify the new status:
      For example:
      Note: Your configuration may differ from the example below.
      <method name="prepareLocalizationPackage_api" type="api">
         <notify enabled="false"/>
         <conditionset operator="any">
                  <type name="*">
                        <status>Localization:tb translated</status>
                        <status>Localization:in translation</status>
                     <group name="Everyone"/>
    5. Save, close, and check in the file.
  4. Add the new status in the topic_status.xml file:
    1. Locate the topic_status.xml file in the repository's /system/conf collection.
    2. Check out and open the topic_status.xml file with a text editor.
    3. In the localization cycle, add a <state> element for the new re-translated state, as follows:
      <state level="0" name="new_state" type="work">
            <next>in translation</next>
      For example:
      <state level="0" name="retranslated" type="work">
            <next>in translation</next>
    4. Make sure that the next state corresponds to the state for topics that are currently being translated.
      For example, in the sample code above, the next state is in translation.
    5. Save, close, and check in the file.
  5. Add the new status in the image_status.xml file:
    1. Locate the image_status.xml file in the repository's /system/conf collection.
    2. Check out and open the image_status.xml file with a text editor.
    3. In the localization cycle, add a <state> element for the new re-translated state, as follows:
      <state level="0" name="new_state" type="work">
            <next>in translation</next>
      For example:
      <state level="0" name="retranslated" type="work">
            <next>in translation</next>
    4. Make sure that the next state corresponds to the state for topics that are currently being translated.
      For example, in the sample code above, the next state is in translation.
    5. Save, close, and check in the file.
  6. Add the new status in the map_status.xml file:
    1. Locate the map_status.xml file in the repository's /system/conf collection.
    2. Check out and open the map_status.xml file with a text editor.
    3. In the localization cycle, add a <state> element for the new re-translated state, as follows:
      <state level="0" name="new_state" type="work">
            <next>in translation</next>
      For example:
      <state level="0" name="retranslated" type="work">
            <next>in translation</next>
    4. Make sure that the next state corresponds to the state for topics that are currently being translated.
      For example, in the sample code above, the next state is in translation.
    5. Save, close, and check in the file.
      The new status configuration for CCMS Desktop documents that are re-translated from source is ready for use.
  7. Inform users of the changes and request that they close and reopen their CCMS Desktop to apply the changes. Additionally, have an administrator refresh IXIASOFT CCMS Web so that users will see the change reflected there.