Enable and configure the node-based localization method

You configure IXIASOFT CCMS to use the node-based localization method by enabling the NodeBasedLocalizationManagerService manager in the localizationManagers.xml file.

Important: This localization method has been deprecated. IXIASOFT no longer supports it. If you are changing localization methods, IXIASOFT recommends using sequential or concurrent methods rather than node-based.

The following code shows the node-based localization manager class in the localizationManagers.xml file.

   class = 
   name = "Node based Localization manager" >           
   <config name = "substantialChange">false</config>      
You can configure the following option for the node-based localization manager:
Option Description
substantialChange Specifies whether to localize the objects with substantial changes only.

The substantial change flag, which is set when a document is released, allows users to specify whether a document contains substantial or minor changes.

You can configure the localization manager so that only the objects with substantial changes are sent for localization to reduce localization costs. To enable this feature, set the substantialChange option to true. The localization manager then checks the substantial change flag when preparing the localization kit; only the objects with substantial changes are packaged in the localization kit.

Note that the status of the objects that are not packaged in the localization kit (that is, the objects with minor changes) is moved directly to the review state.

Set the substantialChange option to false to ignore the substantial change flag and include all the files in the localization kit.

Default value is false.

Important: Make configuration changes in a test environment and confirm they work before copying them to a production environment. For dedicated SaaS deployments, test the changes and then ask IXIASOFT Customer Support to copy the changes to your production environment.
  1. In the TEXTML Administration perspective, connect to your server.
  2. Locate the localizationManagers.xml file in the repository's /system/conf collection.
  3. Check out the file and open it for editing.
  4. Search for the NodeBasedLocalizationManagerService class.
    For example:
    <!-- Node-Based Localization Manager -->
    <!-- manager 
         description="Tries to determine content to localize by applying an XML
                      diff to all the nodes." 
         name="Node based Localization manager">
         <config name="substantialChange">false</config>
    </manager -->
  5. To use the node-based localization manager, remove the comments from the <manager> element, as shown below:
    <!-- Node-Based Localization Manager -->
         description="Tries to determine content to localize by applying an XML 
                      diff to all the nodes." 
         name="Node based Localization manager">
         	<config name="substantialChange">false</config>
  6. If necessary, set the substantialChange configuration option.
    For example:
    <!-- Node-Based Localization Manager -->
         description="Tries to determine content to localize by applying an XML 
                      diff to all the nodes." 
         name="Node based Localization manager">
         	<config name="substantialChange">true</config>
  7. Since only one localization manager can be enabled at any time, make sure that the sequential localization manager is commented out.
    For example:
    <!-- Sequential Localization Manager, with auto-translation disabled -->
    <!-- manager class="com.ixiasoft.cms.controller.localization.sequential.SequentialLocalizationManagerService" 
       description="Tries to determine content to localize by applying an XML
                    diff to all the nodes." 
       name="Sequential Localization manager">
          <config name="substantialChange">false</config>
          <config name="full.context">false</config>
          <config name="context.document.type">Dita2Pdf</config>
          <config name="include.default.images">true</config>
          <config name="in.context.exact.matches">false</config>
    <manager class="com.ixiasoft.cms.controller.localization.sequential.SequentialImageLocalizationManagerService" 
       description="Tries to determine content to localize for images 
                    without revision history." 
       name="Sequential Image Localization manager"
    </manager -->
  8. Save, close, and check in the file.
  9. Inform users of the changes.
    The changes will be applied automatically once users close and then reopen their CCMS Desktop. Users can also apply the changes without restarting their CCMS Desktop by clicking IXIASOFT CCMS > Synchronize Configuration. Additionally, refresh IXIASOFT CCMS Web so that users will see the change reflected there.