Oxygen Plugins

Oxygen provides several plugins for Oxygen Web Author.

These plugins modify the behavior of editors in IXIA CCMS Web, such as the Topic Editor and the Map Editor.

MadCap Software currently only tests and supports the following plugins:

Plugin Name Description Notes Download
Charpicker Plugin Adds support for inserting special UTF-8 characters Configuration options include the ability to exclude a category of symbols (for example, emojis) and to default recently used characters.


Learn Words Plugin Adds learned/forbidden words functionality to the Web Author spellchecker.

Install the v23.0 beta.

Generally, the IXIA CCMS uses language codes in the format "en-us". But the dictionary.xml file for the plugin uses language codes in a two-letter format (for example, "en").

v23 has been tested and works despite the different language codes.

The dictionary.xml file has one <Learned> element for each learned word:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Language code="en">

The v23.0 beta:


Other Oxygen plugins

Although other Oxygen plugins are available,MadCap Software currently only integrates, tests, and supports the plugins listed above. Please contact IXIA CCMS Customer Support about other plugins that you are interested in installing.