Uninstall IXIA CCMS Desktop on Windows

You can uninstall a local instance of IXIA CCMS Desktop from a user's machine by deleting all the files for it.

To uninstall IXIA CCMS Desktop on Windows:

Note: The Oxygen plugin stores files several folders deep and uses file paths that exceed 256 characters. File paths with more than 256 characters are not supported by Windows, so you may have issues deleting the Oxygen plugin.

The quickest way to delete all the files and folders is to use robocopy from the command line. Robocopy ignores the filename length restrictions.

  1. Open a command window
  2. Enter mkdir temp-delete.
    This creates a temp-delete folder.
  3. Enter robocopy temp-delete C:\filepath /mir.
    C:\filepath is the name of the folder whose contents you want to delete.

    For example, robocopy temp-delete C:\ixiasoft-ccms\iccms52drm /mir deletes everything in the C:\ixiasoft-ccms\iccms52drm folder.

    The /mir switch means mirror. It tells robocopy to make the second directory exactly like the first (temp-delete). Since the first contains no files, it will delete all the files in the target folder.

  4. If they were not already deleted, delete the contents of the workspace and config folders using the same method.
  5. Enter rmdir temp-delete.
  6. Enter rmdir C:\filepath.
    C:\filepath is the name of the folder whose contents you deleted. This command deletes the folder.

    For example, if you deleted the contents of C:\ixiasoft-ccms\iccms52drm enter rmdir C:\ixiasoft-ccms\iccms52drm.

    Note: If you deleted multiple folders, repeat this step using the file path of each folder.
  7. Delete any shortcuts that might be left.
CCMS Desktop is uninstalled once all its files are deleted..