BIRT example one: edit BIRT data set
The next step is to define the BIRT data set.
After you’ve defined the data source, you select the specific set of data that you want to use. There are two dialogs that guide you through this process.
The first dialog is where you select the data source and give your data set a name. If you’re just using a single data source, and you’ve set it up as outlined in BIRT example one: BIRT data source, it will already be selected.
The second dialog is where you actually choose the data columns that you
want to incorporate into the report. This dialog shows the following:
- The TSV data source file appears at the top: Aut_size_v3.tsv.
- The columns that are defined inside the data source appear in the left hand pane.
- The columns you’ve selected are in the right hand pane.