Upload your framework extension

Once you create or modify your framework extension, upload it into IXIASOFT CCMS Web.

To upload the framework extension:

  1. Open the oXygen XML Web Author Component's administration page:
    1. Type the following URL in the browser: http://[IXIASOFT CCMS Web host name]:[TOMCAT_HTTP_PORT]/oxygen-webapp/app/oxygen.html
      Where [IXIASOFT CCMS Web host name] is replaced by the name of the machine where you installed the Apache Tomcat service and [TOMCAT_HTTP_PORT] is replaced by the value you specified in the properties.txt file for that parameter.
    For example: http://localhost:8080/oxygen-webapp/app/oxygen.html
  2. Click Administration Page at the top-right corner of the web page.
  3. Enter the Apache Tomcat username and password.
    Note: The username and password are the TOMCAT_USER and TOMCAT_PASSWORD values you specified in the properties.txt file for those parameters.
  4. In the left pane, click Frameworks.
  5. Click Upload framework
  6. Select your dita-[company].zip file (where [company] is the name of your company).
    Important: Depending on the size of the framework extension, it might take a few minutes and does not display a progress indicator. Do not click anywhere else while the framework extension is uploading. Once the framework extension is uploaded, it should appear highlighted in green on the Frameworks page.
  7. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.