Update the Output Generator

This procedure assumes you have completed all changes to CompanyDitabase.dtd and CompanyMap.dtd in your custom DTD plugin.

  1. Remove com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd from %OutputGenDir%/data/%OT_Dir%/plugins.
  2. Add org.oasis-open.dita.v1_3 and com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd to %OutputGenDir%/data/%OT_Dir%/plugins.
  3. Ensure that org.w3c.svg1.0 and org.w3c.svg1.1 are present in %OutputGenDir%/data/%OT_Dir%/plugins.
  4. Add your custom DTD plugin to %OutputGenDir%/data/%OT_Dir%/plugins.

    Remember that only DITA OT versions 2.0 and newer can process DITA 1.3 content. If you need to upgrade the version of the DITA OT that is installed in your Output Generator, refer to the Output Generator Administrator's Guide, found on the IXIASOFT documentation page.

  5. Do one of the following.
    • If you are using the DITA 1.3 MathML integration, remove the org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes and org.w3c.mathml3 plugins from %OutputGenDir%/data/%OT_Dir%/plugins.
    • If you are using the beta MathML integration, verify the org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes and org.w3c.mathml3 plugins are present in %OutputGenDir%/data/%OT_Dir%/plugins.
  6. Run the DITA-OT-[version]-integrator.bat file found in %OutputGenDir%/data.

Dynamic Release Management (DRM) concerns for upgrading the Output Generator to DITA 1.3

All of the DRM functionality is defined within the com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd plugin. By installing this plugin in the Output Generator, you automatically take care of any DRM concerns with respect to DITA 1.3. None of the pertinent files should be a part of your custom DTD plugin; therefore, you should not have any DRM-specific changes to make in your custom DTD plugin.