Edit the DOCTYPE in topic and map templates

After you set up IXIASOFT CCMS to recognize your custom topic and map shells when importing content, you need to edit the topic and map templates to include a DOCTYPE that references those same shells for new content that you create within the CMS. These templates live in Repository/system/templates/topics and Repository/system/templates/maps. Depending on your system configuration, there may be additional subfolders.

  1. In Repository/system/templates/topics, check out and open concept.xml.
  2. Edit the DOCTYPE declaration so that it references the public and system identifiers of CompanyDitabase.dtd, as shown:
    <!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Composite//EN" "CompanyDitabase.dtd">
  3. Save and check in concept.xml.
  4. Repeat the same steps for the remaining topic templates: task.xml, reference.xml, topic.xml, glossentry.xml, referable-content.xml, and any other topic templates you might have created.
  5. In Repository/system/templates/maps, check out and open bookmap.ditamap.
  6. Edit the DOCTYPE declaration so that it references the public and system identifiers of CompanyMap.dtd, as shown:
    <!DOCTYPE bookmap PUBLIC "-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Map//EN" "CompanyMap.dtd">
  7. Save and check in bookmap.ditamap.
  8. Repeat the same steps for the remaining map templates: map.ditamap, and referable_companent_library.ditamap, as well as any other map templates you might have created.
  9. Save and check in the templates.

IXIASOFT CCMS is now set up to use the correct DOCTYPEs when you create new content.

Test each of your topic types and map types to be sure that you can create all of them without errors. You should be able to create a new topic or map, edit it, save it, and release it.

If you are using the Output Generator, you now need to integrate your custom plugin into it.