Integrate your custom DTD plugin into the Output Generator

After you have successfully created a custom DTD plugin, you need to integrate it into the Output Generator to ensure the DITA Open Toolkit (OT) installed there can recognize your new DOCTYPE.

Because your custom DTD plugin is...well, a plugin, you can easily integrate it into the Output Generator.

  1. Copy the folder from Repository/system/plugins to the Output Generator's data/%OT_Dir%/plugins folder, where %OT_Dir% represents the version of the Open Toolkit you are using within the Output Generator.

    It is not recommended to process DITA 1.3 content using versions of the DITA Open Toolkit earlier than 2.x. The results might be unpredictable or the output might fail altogether.

    Note: If your custom output plugins were developed for a version of the OT earlier than 2.x, it might be necessary to update them as well to ensure they work correctly.
  2. Do one of the following, depending on your operating system:
    • On Windows: In the %OutputGenDir%/data/ directory, double-click the _DITA-OT-2.3.1-integrator.bat file.
    • On Linux: In the %OutputGenDir%/data/%OT_Dir%/bin directory, enter the following command:
      ./ant -f ../integrator.xml (Linux)

    The integration build runs and you should soon see BUILD SUCCESSFUL.

  3. In the root of the %OT_Dir% folder, open catalog-dita.xml and verify that your custom catalog is now included.

    The reference should be near the beginning of the file. Search for the plugin's id—in this case, If the reference is present, then the DITA Open Toolkit and the Output Generator now know about your custom DTD.

You have successfully integrated your custom DTD plugin into the Output Generator and you can create content using topics (and maps) whose DOCTYPES reference your shell DTDs.