Integrate your own shells

The following steps assume you have already created the custom shells you want to integrate into IXIASOFT CCMS. For these steps, let's assume you are integrating the following: company-concept.dtd, company-task.dtd, company-reference.dtd, company-topic.dtd, company-map.dtd, and company-bookmap.dtd. In addition, you are integrating company-utilitiesdomain.ent and company-utilitiesdomain.mod.

Note: It's likely you will need to integrate the IXIASOFT Localization domain into your custom topic shells. For instructions, refer to Integrate the Localization domain.
  1. Use Create Collection to create a new plugin folder in Repository/system/plugins.

    Give this DTD plugin a unique name, following standard DITA plugin naming conventions. This procedure and the ones that follow use the name as an example. When following these instructions, be sure to substitute your actual name.

  2. Add a dtd subfolder using Create Collection.
  3. Copy plugin.xml and catalog.xml from com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd to
    Tip: You might have to export both files to your desktop and then add them to using Insert Documents.
  4. Check out plugin.xml (in and open it.
  5. Delete the existing content and replace it with the following.
    <plugin id="">
        <feature extension="dita.specialization.catalog.relative" 
                 value="catalog.xml" type="file"/>
  6. Save, close and check in plugin.xml.
  7. Check out catalog.xml (in and open it.
  8. Delete everything between the opening and closing catalog tags.
  9. Add lines for the public and system identifiers of each shell you are integrating.

    Your catalog will vary depending on the shells you are integrating and the identifiers of those DTDs, but the following is an example of the shells listed above and their likely identifiers.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog" prefer="public">
        <!-- TOPICS -->
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Company Concept//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA 1.3 Company Concept//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Company Reference//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA 1.3 COMPANY Reference//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Company Task//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA 1.3 Company Task//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Company Topic//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA 1.3 Company Topic//EN" 
        <!-- MAPS -->
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Company BookMap//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA 1.3 Company BookMap//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD Company DITA Map//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA 1.3 Company Map//EN" 
        <!-- DOMAINS -->
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY//ELEMENTS DITA Utilities Domain//EN" 
        <public publicId="-//COMPANY/ENTITIES DITA Utilities Domain//EN" 
  10. Save, close and check in catalog.xml.
  11. Follow the steps in Reference the custom catalog in the CMS master catalogto add the new plugin's catalog to the master catalog.
  12. Follow the steps in Configure system id's for imported content to add the doctypes defined by your shells to the list of those recognized by the CMS when importing content.
  13. Do one or a combination of the following:
    • Create new templates that correspond to the new topic and map shells.
    • Edit existing templates to use the doctypes of the new topic and map shells. For instructions, refer to Edit the DOCTYPE in topic and map templates.