Associate a word or string index with a reference list

Use this procedure to associate the list of words or strings that you created earlier with a specific index.

For example, if you created a reference list of stop words, you can associate them selected indexes so they will not appear in search results.

To associate a word index with a reference list:

  1. Open the Index Definition document.
  2. Locate the word or string index with which you want to associate the reference list.
    <index NAME="FullText">
             <element XPATH="//hedline" DEPTH="INFINITE"></element>
             <element XPATH="//media-caption" DEPTH="INFINITE"></element>
             <element XPATH="//block/p" DEPTH="INFINITE"></element>
  3. Under the <wordindex> or <stringindex> element, add a <wordindexproperties> or <stringindexproperties> element.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To associate the index with a stop words list, create an <unindexablewords> or <unindexablestrings> element, as shown below:
    • To associate the index with a list of specific search words, create an <indexablewords> or <indexablestrings> element.
    <index NAME="FullText">
             <unindexablewords NAME="FullTextStopWordList"/>
             <element XPATH="//hedline" DEPTH="INFINITE"></element>
             <element XPATH="//media-caption" DEPTH="INFINITE"></element>
             <element XPATH="//block/p" DEPTH="INFINITE"></element>
    Note: In the example above, the NAME attribute references a stop word list created earlier. (See Create a reference list.)