Other DocumentBaseProperties configuration parameters
This section describes the <DocumentBaseProperties>
elements that
do not fall into any of the sub-categories used previously.
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
SyncEnable | True | If True, TEXTML Server updates document property indexes
synchronously when setdocuments() is called. If False, property indexes are updated later along with the rest of the indexes. |
ProfileIndexation | False | If True, generates indexing statistics which can then be analyzed by IXIASOFT Customer Support. |
TraceIndexOperations | False | If True, used to trace and measure the performance of the indexing process in the TEXTML Server. It should not be changed without the express consent of IXIASOFT customer support. |
UseUTCTime | False |
If True, properties indexes are automatically updated to use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The indexes influenced by this parameter are: modificationtime, modificationdate, creationtime, and creationdate. |
AllowScanForFullText | True | If True, full-text indexing is carried out by scanning the words in the dictionaries and comparing them to the document content, adding and/or updating words as they are found; if False, the reverse occurs. If the content of the dictionaries is significantly larger than the document corpus, and indexing is problematically slow, changing this parameter might improve performance. |
BulkMode | False | If True, facilitates extremely large docbase updates. This parameter can be set to True temporarily in exceptional circumstances, such as when a docbase is populated or indexed for the first time. |
IndexPreviousVersionsInfo | True | If True, the number and total
size of previous versions of documents are indexed. This allows these
indexes (previousversionscount and
previousversionstotalsize ) to be available for
searching but may cause performance issues for larger docbases. If you
do not need these indexes, set this parameter to False. |
Preload | None | Specifies the components of a docbase
that should be preloaded in memory when TEXTML Server is started. Valid
values are: