Insert an element

You can add elements to a map in Structure view, such as <frontmatter>, <part>, and <backmatter> elements.

Before you begin

You must have the map checked out in Map Editor and be in Structure view. The toggle must also be set to Edit.

About this task

To insert an element:


  1. Find an element in the map that you want to add the new element after.
    Note: The place you pick must be valid for the element that you want to add.
  2. In the Map Edit column, click Plus icon, and select New Element.
  3. Select one of the following:
    • To add the new element at the same level, select Same Level.
    • To add the new element one level below, select Sub Level.

    Same Level is for organizing things that have a parallel structure and act as siblings.

    Sub Level is for adding a child object to a parent object, such as adding related content under a high-level concept or topic.

    Note: If one option is dimmed, then no objects or elements can be added at that level.
    The New Element dialog appears.
  4. From the Element dropdown list, select the element that you want to add.
    The Element dropdown list shows only elements that you can insert at the current location.

    If you do not see the element you want, pick a different location.

  5. If adding an element that does not reference an object, click Insert.
    The new element is inserted.
  6. If you want to add an element that references an object, such as a topicref or mapref, then choose the related actions based on the object type.
    Type of objectActions
    Existing object
    1. In the New Element dialog, click the Insert Objects radio button.
    2. Click Insert.
    3. In the Insert Object dialog, search for the object that you want.
      Note: You can click to launch a new tab and preview the object.
      Tip: You can only add objects that are in the same Branch as the map you are editing. This includes library Branches linked to this Branch.
    4. Click the checkboxes for the objects that you want to insert.
      Note: You can select multiple objects. A counter in parens beside Insert tracks the number of objects you select.
    5. Click Insert.
      Tip: You can also click Insert while previewing an object. This inserts the object you are previewing and any others you selected in the Insert Object dialog.
    New topic
    1. In the New Element dialog, click the New Topic radio button.
    2. Enter a title for your topic.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Choose a template.
    5. Click Create.
    The objects are added to the map using the element type that you picked.