Go to a dependency

In the IXIA CCMS Web Dependencies view, you can search through the interconnected dependencies of an object and any related sub-dependencies.

You can readily identify the relationships between objects, and if you approach dependencies as you would a family genealogy, you can determine how far back in the dependency hierarchy you need to go to solve the issue you may have with inclusion or exclusion of an object from other objects at a specific juncture in the dependency hierarchy.

To go to a dependency:

  1. To examine the dependencies of a specific object, click Dependencies icon.

    The Dependencies view loads for the selected object. The breadcrumb path updates showing the object icon and name of the current object.

    Figure: Sample breadcrumb path with file title
  2. To go back to the dependencies of a previous object, click the object icon for that object in the breadcrumb path.

    The Dependencies view reloads, and the breadcrumb path shows the name of the current object and your current place in the breadcrumb path.

    Figure: Topic location in sample breadcrumb path

    You can move back and forth using the breadcrumb path. It does not reset unless you view the dependencies of a new object midway through the breadcrumb path. The breadcrumb path resets from that dependency forward.

  3. If there are a lot of dependencies, you can quickly get to the beginning or ending of the breadcrumb path by taking the following actions:
    1. Click the value at the source of the breadcrumb path.

      In the example, you click +3.

      Figure: Sample breadcrumb path with file title
    2. Select the name of the object you want from the dropdown list.

    The Dependencies view reloads, and shows the name of the current object and your current place in the breadcrumb path.