Actions for objects

Each type of object, such as a map, topic, or Collaborative Review, allows for specific actions.

The allowed actions for an object appear wherever the object appears in IXIA CCMS Web, such as on the My Assignments page or in your Favorites side panel.

The available actions appear in the row for the object, such as on the My Assignments page or you can click More Options icon to access them.

When you are working on an object in an editor (such as Topic Editor or Map Editor), some common actions appear as buttons instead of icons. Only some actions have buttons. Bulk actions have their own ribbon. See Bulk actions in CCMS Web.

Note: Some actions are not allowed on an object in a specific status. Actions that are not allowed either do not appear or are dimmed.
Some actions icons use an icon that may or may not have descriptive text. Buttons always contain an icon and descriptive text.
Figure: Sample icon for the clone action
Clone icon
Figure: Sample button for the check in action
Check in button