Configure the initial working environment

You can include a configuration file in your deployment package to launch the IXIA CCMS Desktop with preconfigured settings. This configuration is optional, but recommended.

  1. Create a copy of file and name it
  2. Edit the file to provide the required information:
    dita.cms.initial.perspective Name of the perspective you want opened by default upon starting the CCMS Desktop, which will typically be the DITA perspective.

    Recommended value:com.ixiasoft.dita.eclipse. gui.perspective.DitaPerspective (If you copy and paste, remove any line breaks in the string.)

    com.ixiasoft.eclipse.dita/ textml.hostname Name of the machine hosting the TEXTML Server
    com.ixiasoft.eclipse.dita/ textml.username Login name of the user
    com.ixiasoft.eclipse.dita/ textml.docbase Name of the Content Store
    com.ixiasoft.eclipse.dita/ textml.domain Domain name
    com.ixiasoft.eclipse.dita/ textml.port TEXTML Server port number. If your deployment uses SSL, enter the secure port.

    Default value: 2500

    com.ixiasoft.eclipse.dita/ One the following:
    • true: if SSL is enabled
    • false: if SSL is not enabled
    com.ixiasoft.eclipse.dita/ outputGenerator.hostname Name of the machine hosting the Output Generator.
    com.ixiasoft.eclipse.dita/ outputGenerator.port Port number of the Output Generator

    Default value: 1500

    com.ixiasoft.eclipse.dita/ outputGenerator.monitor.port Local port where output generation progress is sent.

    Default value: 0

  3. Save and close the file.