(Optional) Set the display language

You can force the interface of IXIA CCMS Desktop and Oxygen to display in English, French, German, and Japanese.

If the operating system is in the language that you need, you can skip this configuration. The CCMS Desktop package can automatically detect an operating system in English, French, German, and Japanese and display in the same language.

You must also ensure that the package contains the required Oxygen language pack in Add the Oxygen plugins to the package.

Specify the -nl [locale] command line argument when you launch Eclipse to enable the appropriate language in the interface. Depending on the language you want to use, type one of the following:
Where [locale] is any one of the following:
  • For English: en
  • For French: fr
  • For German: de
  • For Japanese: ja
Use one of the following methods:
Method Description
The Eclipse shortcut

Open the Properties of your Eclipse shortcut and add -nl [locale] to the Target box.

For example, if you wanted to launch Eclipse with a French interface, you would do the following:

Figure: Example of setting the language in the Eclipse shortcut
Set Language in Eclipse shortcut
The eclipse.ini file

Find the eclipse.ini file in the folder where you installed the IXIA CCMS Desktop and open it in a text editor. At the beginning of the file add the following lines:


For example, if you wanted to launch Eclipse with a French interface, your eclipse.ini file would look like the following:

. . .