(Optional) Change the RAM used by Eclipse

By default, Eclipse uses between 256 and 1024 MB of RAM. If you want to change the minimum and maximum values, you can edit the eclipse.ini file in the Eclipse package.

Consider increasing the amount of RAM if any of the following apply:
  • You generate large outputs. There must be enough RAM to fit the entire returned output from IXIA CCMS Output Generator into memory
  • You localize content to more than 4 languages
  • You clone large DRM containers
Note: You can also improve any performance issues by increasing the maximum amount of RAM used by Eclipse, as required.
  1. Open the eclipse.ini file located in your packaging directory (for example, C:\temp\desktop-packages\prod\eclipse.ini).
  2. Change the value after -Xms or -Xmx.
    Field Description
    -Xms256m Minimum amount of memory used by Eclipse at startup.
    -Xmx1024m Maximum amount of memory used by Eclipse. MadCap Software recommends increasing it to -Xmx2048m.
  3. Save and close the file.