Configuring the display style in the reminder notification

You can also configure the display style (for example, the color) for documents in the email notification. For example, by default the email notification is displayed in black for documents due within the five days (default value), and documents with a past due date are displayed in red. You can add additional attributes so that documents due within two days are displayed in a different color.

To modify the display colors:

  1. Open the TEXTML Administration perspective.
  2. Connect to the server and the Content Store that you want to manage.
  3. Expand the Content Store's Repository note and browse to /system/scheduler/templates to locate the daily_reminder.xsl file.
  4. Right-click daily_reminder.xsl and select Check Out.
  5. Open the file in an XML editor.
  6. Look for the <xsl:attribute name="style"> element. It looks as follows:
    <xsl:attribute name="style">
       <xsl:if test="position() mod 2 = 0">background-color: #CCCCCC;</xsl:if>
       <xsl:if test="nbdaysleft &lt;= 0">color: #FF0000;</xsl:if>
  7. Modify the value of the style attribute: the nbdaysleft (number of days left) and the color code according to your preference.

    For example, the code: <xsl:if test="nbdaysleft &lt;= 0">color: #FF0000;</xsl:if> indicates that the documents with a past due date are displayed in red. You can add an additional code so that documents due within 2 days are displayed in another color as shown below:

    <xsl:attribute name="style">
       <xsl:if test="position() mod 2 = 0">background-color: #CCCCCC;</xsl:if>
       <xsl:if test="nbdaysleft &lt;= 2">color: #4B0082;</xsl:if>
       <xsl:if test="nbdaysleft &lt;= 0">color: #FF0000;</xsl:if>
    Note: The value for the color attribute must be specified as an HTML color code.
  8. Save, close, and Check In the file.