Overriding the default connection information in the schedule.xml file

You can configure a job to be performed using different connection information than the default connection information configured in the <configuration> element in the schedule.xml file.

To override the default connection information for a job:

  1. Open the %SchedulerDir%/conf/schedule.xml file.
  2. Locate the job that you want to edit.
    For example:
    <!-- The following job takes charge of scheduling user reports as independent items --> 
    <job useClass="com.ixiasoft.cms.postman.ReportsScheduler" enable="true">
    	<!-- you can add the tag  <textml>, <dita.out>, or <smtp/> to override the default value -->
    		<when>57 */6 * * *</when>
  3. Under the comment "<!-- You can add the tag <textml>, <dita.out>, or <smtp/> to override the default value -->", add the following elements:
    <textml id="textml1" url="localhost" version="4" port="2500" docbase="docbase" secure="false">
    	<user domain="ixiasoft" username="testuser" password="password"/>
    <dita.out url="localhost" port="1500" secure="false"/>
    <smtp url="smtp.ixiasoft.local" port="25" email="scheduler-noreply@ixiasoft.com" />
  4. Configure how to connect to the TEXTML Server and Content Store for the job. Replace the default values of the attributes as follows:

    Currently not used. Leave this attribute as is.

    url Type the IP address or name of the server hosting TEXTML Server.
    version Defines the TEXTML Server version. Leave this attribute as is.
    port Type the TEXTML Server port (default is 2500). If you are using SSL security, specify the secure SSL port.
    docbase Type the name of the Content Store.
    secure If you are using SSL, set this parameter to "true".
    Note: To enable SSL, you may also need to install a CA certificate on the Scheduler. See Installing and Configuring IXIA TEXTML Server for IXIA CCMS for more information.
    domain, username, password
    Type the domain, username, and password used by the Scheduler to log in to the IXIA CCMS.
    Note: You can also encrypt the password using the encrypt utility in the %SchedulerDir%/conf directory.
    For example:
    <textml url="writix" version="4" port="2500" docbase="MainDocbase" secure="false">
    	<user domain="ixiasoft" username="testuser" password="password"/>
  5. Edit the <dita.out> element as follows:
    Field Value to enter
    url Type the IP address or name of the Output Generator.
    port Type the Output Generator port (default is 1500).
    secure Currently not used. Leave the value to "false",
  6. Edit the <smtp> element as follows:
    Field Value to enter
    url Type the address of the SMTP server for sending the emails.
    port Type the port of the SMTP server.
    email Type the address that will be used as the From address when the email is sent. Optional.
  7. Edit the <when> element to configure when the job will run.

    Use a crontab-like pattern, as shown below:

    <when>minute hour day month weekday</when>


    • minute specifies the minutes (0-59) of the hour that the job will run; a value of * indicates that the job will run every minute
    • hour specifies the hours (0-23, 0=midnight) of the day that the job will run; a value of * indicates that the job will run every hour
    • day specifies the days (1-31) of the month that the job will run; a value of * indicates that the job will run every day
    • month specifies the months (1-12) of the year that the job will run; a value of * indicates that the job will run every month
    • weekday specifies the days (0-6, 0 = Sunday) of the week that the job will run; a value of * indicates that the job will run every day

    For example, to indicate that a job should run at midnight every day, enter the following:

    <when>0 0 * * *</when>

    To indicate that a job should run at 6:15 every day, enter the following:

    <when>15 6 * * *</when>

    There are other options that you can use. For example, to indicate that a job should run every 15 minutes, enter the following:

    <when>*/15 * * * *</when>

    For more information about all available Cron options, see the following URL:


Example of a completed job:

<!-- The following job takes charge of scheduling user reports as independent items --> 
<job useClass="com.ixiasoft.cms.postman.ReportsScheduler" enable="true">
	<!-- you can add the tag  <textml>, <dita.out>, or <smtp/> to override the default value -->
<textml url="writix" version="4" port="2500" docbase="MainDocbase" secure="false">
	<user domain="ixiasoft" username="testuser" password="password"/>
<dita.out url="ogix" port="1500" secure="false"/>
<smtp url="smtp.ixiasoft.local" port="25" email="scheduler-noreply@ixiasoft.com" />
		<when>57 */6 * * *</when>

  1. When you are done, save and close the schedule.xml file.
  2. Restart the CCMS Scheduler service:
    • On Windows: Open the Services console, right-click Ixiasoft Scheduler and click Stop, and then right-click Ixiasoft Scheduler and click Start.
    • On Linux: Run the following commands:
      systemctl restart Scheduler