Edit or fork an image

If you want to edit an image that is in more than one Branch, you might be able to edit it in all Branches or you might need to fork the image because some Branches are unavailable. You can also choose to fork the image even if it is not required.

The view or page that you edit the image from does not change the steps required. When you edit the image, you can choose which Branches to fork or edit it in.

If you must fork an image, you can pick any available Branches. If you can edit it in only one Branch, the image is automatically forked in that Branch.

To edit or fork an image:

  1. Click the icon or button that appears for the image:
    • 編集 または 編集 アイコンは、一部のブランチでのみ分岐したり、利用可能なすべてのブランチで編集できることを意味します。
    • 分岐 または 分岐 アイコンは、一部のブランチでのみ分岐する必要があることを意味します。


    Scenario Description
    The image is automatically checked out and opens in 画像エディター. The image is in only one Branch.
    A message appears saying which Branch the image will automatically fork in. The image is in multiple Branches, but you can edit it in only one Branch.


    分岐&編集ダイアログが表示されます。 You can edit the image in multiple Branches.


  2. 編集を行うブランチを選択します。
    ブランチはブランチ タイプごとにソートされます。
  3. 編集または分岐&編集をクリックします。
The image is checked out and the 画像エディター opens.
  • If you selected all the Branches in the 分岐&編集 dialog, you are editing the image across all Branches.
  • If you selected only some of the Branches, a new instance of the image is created in the Branches that you selected. Any changes you make will appear for that image in only those Branches.