The translated content collection

Once you receive localized content back from your translation agency and import those objects into CCMS Web, your CCMS system administrator can locate them in the Content Store.

The following content sub-collections are available to you in TextML in the Content Store:

  • approval
  • authoring
  • localization, which stores all related CCMS Desktop localized content
  • releases
  • reviewing
  • translation, which stores all related CCMS Web localized content
  • translationmanifests, which stores all related CCMS Web translation and language manifests
  • worklists
Note: CCMS Web can see into the localization sub-collection, but CCMS Desktop cannot see the translation or translationmanifests sub-collections.

The translation sub-collection contains additional collections within it for each specified language.

If you already use CCMS Desktop to localize content, you are used to the approach it uses where each new translation overwrites the old one so that there is never more than one copy of an object for a given language. Since this was true, you either captured the older version in a snapshot or the older version was lost.

When you use CCMS Web to localize content, it retains each revision, using a sequential numbering system appended to the filename to track each one.

Suppose a topic with the filename abc0123456789012 is at revision 5. When I import that revision from the translation agency for German and Spanish, each of the related collections now contains a topic with the filename abcabc0123456789012_00005, which is unique to that language folder.

Several iterations later, I import the latest version, at revision 11, that I received from the translation agency for the same collections. Each of the collections now contains a topic with the filename abc0123456789012_00011, which is unique to that language collection.

This method allows you to regenerate output from any prior version of the related language manifests and obtain results identical to the original output, while also allowing you to use the most recent language manifest to obtain the latest localized content.