Transition from CCMS Desktop to CCMS Web for localization

Since your interaction with and edits of localized content is constrained to either CCMS Desktop or CCMS Web, best practice is to transition all existing content out of the Localization cycle and into the Translation cycle that CCMS Web uses.

As your organization dictates, based on conversations with IXIA CCMS Customer Support, you can choose to transition objects from the Localization cycle to CCMS Web all at once, or you can choose to do so gradually on a map-by-map basis.

Important: It is critical that once you localize a map using CCMS Web, you do not attempt to localize that same map again using CCMS Desktop. Content translated in CCMS Desktop is view-only in CCMS Web, and content localized in CCMS Web is not even visible in CCMS Desktop. Going back and forth between platforms for a particular map is confusing and can create a situation where the content you need is not predictably available where you need it.

There is no perfect method for this type of transition so this topic serves to provide some very general considerations. It depends on your content and your current requirements. Contact IXIA CCMS Customer Support and request assistance in creating your specific transition plan.

Suppose you localized the WidgetPro 2.0 map, using CCMS Desktop. In the interim, your company shifted to using CCMS Web. Your translation agency notified you that your localization submission is ready. As you receive the translated content, you import it into CCMS Desktop. After you complete an import of the entire map and finalize it, you can mark the WidgetPro v2.0 map so that any future localization requires CCMS Web. See the section below for more details.

You repeat this process for the WonderWidget 1.1 map you also submitted using CCMS Desktop after you receive it back from the translation agency. You mark it so that future localizations require CCMS Web. Over time, this completes your migration from CCMS Desktop to CCMS Web. Again, see the section below for more details.

When your users are all using CCMS Web to localize all content, or if you reach a point where all CCMS Desktop translations are simultaneously complete, then it's time to disable localization in CCMS Desktop to prevent anyone from accidentally starting a new Localization cycle using CCMS Desktop.

Disable Localize or LocalizeCCMS

The CCMS configuration includes two access rights that determine the availability of the Localize option for a map. Both access rights can be active simultaneously, which is the likely scenario while you are migrating localization from CCMS Desktop to CCMS Web.

Note: See the CCMS Administration Guide for an explanation of all access rights pertaining to both Localization and Translation cycles.
Table 1. Localization access rights


Access right name


CCMS Desktop


Specifies which statuses for a map denote localization and which roles can perform the action

Note: Use this access right to exclude a role, map status, or both from using localization in CCMS Desktop.



Specifies which statuses for a map denote localization and which roles can perform the action

Note: Use this access right to exclude a role, map status, or both from using localization in CCMS Web.

Mark a map for localization exclusively in CCMS Web

After you localize a map using CCMS Web, you should only use CCMS Web for any future localizations of that map. If both localization access rights are active, you need to have a plan so that users do not attempt to revert back to using CCMS Desktop. While CCMS Web does not include a specific mechanism for accomplishing this task, you can using a few existing features to assist you.

Note: Contact IXIA CCMS Customer Supportand request assistance in selecting a process that works best for you.

Possible approaches include:

  • Create a new workflow status, for example Authoring:loc-web. You can configure this status to match Authoring:done. Then, configure the Localize access right so it is unavailable for maps at Authoring:loc-web and configure the LocalizeCCMS access right so it is available for maps at Authoring:loc-web.
  • Use a specific label to indicate CCMS Web-only localization and make it a part of your standard operating procedure to look for this label.