About the Offline perspective

The Offline Perspective offers a restricted set of IXIA CCMS Desktop functionality. Working offline lets you continue working when you do not have access to the repository.

When you lock a topic in CCMS Desktop, it is copied onto your hard drive, where you edit and save it locally. After you have finished working, you release it, and it is copied back to the repository. Working offline lets you work on documents locally, and you release your files back to the server only once you connect to the network again.

Offline functionality

The Offline perspective contains the following:
  • The editing area is where your topics open, just as they do in the DITA perspective. You can use any editor that's installed on your machine and configured for use with CCMS Desktop.
  • The Offline Documents view lists the topics you locked before you went offline. You can open and work with these in any configured editor. You can also copy their IDs and use them for making cross-references and related-links.
  • The Images view displays thumbnails of all the images in the repository. You can copy their filenames and IDs to use with the <image> tag, or for making cross-references and related links. However, you cannot modify images in any way.
    There are two display modes for images:
    • Small thumbnails: displays the image thumbnail as well as its system ID.
    • Details: displays the image's thumbnail, ID, CMS title, status, type (Line art, etc.), and all the text from the image's Description field. You'll be able to filter the images that are displayed using any of this information.
    Note: Image thumbnails must be enabled and synchronized for them to appear in the Offline perspective. Check with your administrator if thumbnails are globally enabled.