Edit a personal Textml query

Use this procedure to modify your personal Textml queries.

You can edit your personal Textml queries in the XML editor of your choice, as long as that editor is set as the default for queries in IXIA CCMS Desktop.

For TEXTML Query Language syntax, see the TEXTML Server documentation.

To modify your personal Textml queries.

  1. In the Search view, open the Queries panel.
  2. Expand the Personal TEXTML item.
    Your saved queries are displayed.
  3. Right-click the query and select Edit queryname.tql, where queryname is the query's name.
    The query opens in your default XML editor.
  4. Modify the search parameters as required and save your work.
  5. Right-click the query and select Release queryname.tql.
    Note: If you decide you don't want to keep your modifications, you can always select Replace with server revision queryname.
Your edited query is released to the server.