Search view

The Search view is where you create queries to search the Content Store.

Panels in Search view

The Search view is divided into panels that let you specify search criteria, such as the Document Types panel, Languages panel, and Cycles panel. Each panel has expand and collapse buttons that let you hide the panels you aren't currently working with. Most of the panels also have the following a set of buttons:
Function Button
Save the current settings as the default for that panel search save button
Select all checkboxes search select button
Clear all checkboxes search deselect button
Apply the defaults for that panel search restore defaults button

Search results

The Search Results view lists the results returned by your search criteria. You can group and filter the results.

By default, a maximum of 100 results can be displayed at one time. Search defaults are configurable.
Note: Search is performed on the last version released to the server.

Advanced searches

Many of the most common criteria for Advanced Searches can be accessed from the Cycles, Document Types, and Search for panels. You only need to use the Advanced Search panel for complex searches using many different criteria.

For example, you can search within a specific state for a cycle using the drop-down arrow directly in the Cycles panel instead of having to specify the state index in the Advanced Search panel. You could, for instance, use the drop-down to search only for objects that are in the Authoring:work status.

Cycles with status

Another example is the Search for panel. The fulltext option is selected by default, where IXIA CCMS Desktop searches the whole document for the string specified. However, you can use the Search in drop-down list to specify any index, attribute, or element directly in this panel instead of using the Advanced Search panel.

Figure: Search for panel