Automated configuration changes for 7.0

The Web Installer, which installs IXIA CCMS Web 7.0, automatically makes most configuration changes.

Some of these automatic changes require customer follow-up to review and fine-tune the configuration. Any manual configuration changes are listed in the Making configuration changes to the Content Store section.


File Change Module Description
translation New collection DRM & STD Contains content localized in CCMS Web. Created dynamically when content is first localized.
translation manifests New collection DRM & STD Contains Translation Manifests and Language Manifests. Created dynamically when TrM and LangMan first created.

Index definitions

For a description of the changes the Web Installer makes to Index definitions refer to Indexdefinition.xml changes for 7.0.


For a description of the changes the Web Installer makes to roles.xml and accessrights.xml refer to Additional configuration changes to review.

The Web Installer also makes changes to the following configuration files.

File Change Module Description
translationmanifest_ status.xml New file DRM & STD Defines the statuses for Translation Manifests and Language Manifests
triggerswebplatform. xml

Trigger "AddLocalizationIdTrigger" disabled by default

DRM & STD Disabled in the default config to avoid adding unnecessary @ixia_locid if auto-translation not used

Trigger "IdentifyElementsOnRelease" disabled by default

DRM & STD Disabled in the default config to avoid adding unnecessary @ixia_locid if auto-translation not used
equivalence.xml New translation-manifest and language-manifest objects added DRM & STD Defines these objects for system handling
status.dtd New cycle type "Translation" added DRM & STD Defines this cycle for workflows






New Translation cycle added with statuses "in review" and "done" DRM & STD Defines Translation statuses for workflow
approval_status.xml Authoring:rejected status is now type "cancelled" instead of type "end" DRM & STD Refines system behavior for Authoring:rejected status


File Change Module Description
language- manifest. lmanifest New file DRM & STD New template used for system creation of Language Manifests
translation- manifest. tmanifest New file DRM & STD New template used for system creation of Translation Manifests
tmanifests folder New folder DRM & STD New collection for language-manifest.lmanifest and translation-manifest.tmanifest


File Change Module Description
constraint-href-global. mod Deleted all content DRM No longer needed but file retained for compatibility
constraint-href-topic. mod Deleted all content DRM No longer needed but file retained for compatibility
constraint-href-map. mod Enumerated attributes removed DRM File retained for compatibility
IxiaMap-drm.dtd Removed references to global href constraints DRM
language-manifest.dtd New file DRM & STD Defines new Language Manifest object
translation-manifest.dtd New file DRM & STD Defines new Translation Manifest object
translation-manifest.ent New file DRM & STD Defines content model for Translation Manifest and Language Manifest
translation-manifest.mod New file DRM & STD Defines content model for Translation Manifest and Language Manifest
catalog.xml Added entries for previous four new files DRM & STD