Additional configuration changes to review

The following are configuration changes that pertain to various aspects of the new Unified Localization feature in CCMS Web 7.0. Review the new defaults and evaluate changes you need to make for your organization.


Two localization-related triggers are now disabled by default. Leaving the triggers disables ensures that no additional ixia_locid attributes are added to content going forward but it does not remove the existing ones. For assistance in removing existing ixia_locid attributes, contact Support or Customer Success.

Change Description
AddLocalizationId trigger This trigger automatically adds the ixia_locid attribute to all elements in topics and maps in CCMS Web as configured in the locidclasses.xml configuration file.

In CCMS 7.0, this trigger is disabled by default.

IdentifyElementsOnRelease trigger This trigger automatically adds the ixia_locid attribute to all elements in topics and maps in CCMS Desktop as configured in the locidclasses.xml configuration file.

In CCMS 7.0, this trigger is disabled by default.

Roles and groups

Change Description
Translation Coordinator The Translation Coordinator is now an active role for
  • maps at Authoring:done and all Translation statuses
  • Translation Manifests at Translation:new and Translation:in progress
Translation Reviewer The Translation Reviewer is now an active role for
  • maps at Translation:in review

Reusable content indexes

CCMS Web 7.0 now uses the same indexes as CCMS Desktop to determine what topics appear in the Conref picker dialog. If you have already customized these indexes, your changes now appear in CCMS Web as well.

If necessary, add additional <element> entries to configure additional topic types to appear in the Conref picker. The table below shows examples of configuring the indexes to display glossentry topic types.

Change Description
<element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//glossentry//*[@id]/@id"/>
<element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="for $e in (//glossentry//*[@id]) return local-name($e)"/>
<element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//glossentry//*"/>
<unitelement XPATH="//glossentry//*[@id]"/>