New features for IXIASOFT CCMS 6.2 with configuration changes

This is an overview of new features introduced in IXIASOFT CCMS 6.2 that required configuration changes.

Note: These configuration changes for IXIASOFT CCMS 6.2 only apply if you are upgrading from IXIASOFT CCMS 6.1.

Changes to access rights

New features were introduced in IXIASOFT CCMS Web that have new access rights or may require you to change your existing configuration:

  • Creating new instances of maps (IXIASOFT Dynamic Release Management [DRM] only)
  • Managing ditavals
  • Managing assignments

Any changes you want to make to the configuration are optional. But with these new features you may want to add to or re-examine existing workflows.

The following access rights are either new or might require changes for CCMS Web 6.8:

Access right Function in CCMS Web 6.8
Create New Map Instance access rights (DRM only)
  • CreateNewInstance: allows DRM users to create new instances of maps in other branches.
  • CreateDRMObject: allows DRM users to create new branches.
Ditaval access rights CreateDitaval: allows users to create ditavals.
Note: The ManageDitaval access right is not used in CCMS Web. All other actions for ditavals are controlled by the same access rights as other objects, such as Lock, ChangeStatus, and AssignTo.
Multiple Assignments access rights
  • Assign to: allows users to modify the Roles section in the Move dialog and assign objects or assignments to other users. Without this right, users can still mark an assignment as finished if they have that right.
  • Change Status: allows users to change the status of an object in the Move dialog. It also allows users to change the status of an assignment if the "Allow users to change status" assignment rule is selected for the assignment.
  • ApproveOrRejectApproval: allows users to approve or reject an Approval.
  • CloseReview: allows users to change the status of a Collaborative Review to closed in the Move dialog.
  • SetReviewAsDone: allows users to change the status of a Collaborative Review to done in the Move dialog.
  • CancelApproval: allows users to cancel an Approval by changing its status.