Optional configuration changes for 6.1

These are optional changes to the configuration that occurred in IXIASOFT CCMS 6.1.

Make the following changes to files in the /system/conf/ directory:

Note: Any ¶ symbol is not part of the code sample. It shows a required line break so the example can be displayed properly.
File Changes Reason for change
localizationManagers.xml Add these lines:
<config name="full.con
<config name="bundle.creat
Add these lines only if using concurrent localization.

DITA source should be default format for concurrent localization.

multiimage.xml The installation script for CCMS Web 6.1 sets default settings for multiimage.xml while running.

You can change the default values for the file-extensions attributes in the <formatname> and <type> elements, for example:

<formatname file-extensions="gif jpeg jpg">LowRes</formatname> 
This change lets an administrator configure image import settings for IXIASOFT CCMS Web. The installation script sets the default values for during upgrade. To configure these image import settings after upgrading, see the Administration Guide for IXIASOFT CCMS.
triggers.xml Add this line:
<trigger class="com.ixiasoft.cms.trig
gers.drm.ValidateHrefTrigger" name="Validate Hrefs" 
objtype="map" apply-to="Release" schedule="before"/>

Currently, there is a constraint in DRM that removes all hrefs for maps. If you want hrefs for external references, you must add them using keys.

This change removes the constraint for href elements in maps for DRM in Eclipse. DRM maps can now have href links to external resources.

This trigger validates that the href points to an external resource (scope="external"). Otherwise, it is invalid. It is the same trigger in the configuration for topics.