OTRS priorities

To help the IXIASOFT Support team address tickets in the most efficient and timely way possible, it's important that you assign an appropriate priority to your tickets when you submit them. The following guidelines can help you determine what priority is appropriate for your ticket.

5 - Very High

System Failure/System Down

This priority has a critical business impact. Use this priority when the CMS is not functioning for anyone.


  • Majority of users cannot use a critical functional aspects of IXIASOFT CCMS (e.g. lock,release topic) and no workaround is possible
  • Data, indexes are corrupt or lost
  • TEXTML does not start
  • Output Generator does not start - the system cannot produce any documents
  • No users can connect or use the Web Author
  • Java/Eclipse related errors (systemic behavior - all users are impacted)

Counter Examples (not typically classified as Very High):

  • System is still operational following a one–time outage; root cause analysis required
  • First–time installation - pilot project or staging area
  • Functional issue but workaround available (e.g. A user cannot do an operation on a map view but the user can open the map in XML and manually intervene)
  • Output Generator is working but the output is not formatted correctly
  • Customer is not available for collaboration with support engineers after hours
  • Feature Request or customization
  • The system develops a behavior following a customer's unauthorized intervention to system parameters, configuration files or the software
4 - High

Critical Issue

This priority has a significant business impact. Use this priority when the CMS is having issues that significantly encumber your work.


  • Degraded system performance not related to the customers infrastructure
  • IXIASOFT CCMS has a functional issue. A workaround may be possible but implementing the workaround is time consuming and will adversely affect the End User
  • Erroneous behavior of an IXIASOFT CCMS function:
    • Content import not working
    • Missing items from search
    • Backup & restore problems but system is running
    • File/object lock issues (experienced by some users issue but not systemic behavior)
    • Java/Eclipse related errors (some users but not systemic behavior)
    • Output Generator output that was valid in the past and is not anymore (no modifications were done)
    • Users cannot connect and use IXIASOFT CCMS Web

Counter Examples (not typically classified as High):

  • Stylesheets were updated and the output documents are invalid
  • Customer is not available for collaboration with support engineers after hours
  • Feature Request or customization
  • The system develops a behavior following a customer's unauthorized intervention to system parameters, configuration files or the software
3 - Normal

This is the default priority for tickets.

2 - Low

Use this priority for issues, questions, or enhancement requests that do not need a more immediate resolution.

1 - Very Low

Use this priority for questions or enhancement requests that do not need a resolution in the near future.