Temporary Output Generator files

When the Output Generator extracts the files to transform from the TEXTML Server and saves them to disk, it stores them in a temporary folder.

This temporary folder also contains the output of the transformation job and the transformation logs.

Each job output is stored in the %OutputGenDir%/temp/%ID% folder, where %ID% is a unique number identifying the job. For example:

This directory contains the following files and directories:

Table 1. Temporary directory structure
File or directory Description
<file_id>.build.html This file contains logs on the execution of the build scripts.
<file_id>.properties This file contains the user parameters entered by the user in the Generate Output dialog. The parameters are provided as key-value pairs, as shown below:
#Thu Sep 05 14:18:14 EDT 2013
You can access these properties in your script by using the load_properties target. See Access user parameters in your Ant conductor file for more information.
/content This directory contains the source files extracted from the TEXTML Server. The information provided depends on the type of object:
  Maps and topics The following files are provided:
  • <id>.ditamap/<id>.xml: XML content of the DITA map or topic
  • <id>.customproperties: IXIASOFT CCMS metadata (document status, release details, etc.). You can use this information, for example, to determine the cover page to display based on the document status.
  • <id>.properties: TEXTML Server properties (for example, creation date, last modification date, etc.).
  • <id>.indexedcontent: Resolved DITA content of the DITA map or topic (with namespace and class attributes resolution).
  Images The following files are provided:
  • <id>.zip: Contains all the resolutions available for the image.
  • <id>.image: Default image resolution.
  • <id>.customproperties: IXIASOFT CCMS metadata (document status, release details, etc.).
  • <id>.properties: TEXTML Server properties (for example, creation date, last modification date, etc.).
  • <id>.indexedcontent: Information about each image in the image package, such as the format, mime-type, width, and height, as well as the default format.
  Snapshots If the output was generated for a snapshot, the snapshot file is stored in the following directory:
/out Contains the output of the transformation scenario (for example, my_user_guide.pdf) as well as additional DITA Open Toolkit files (for example, the Customization and Configuration directories). Note that these additional files can be removed using the clean_ot_output target.

Also contains the <file_id>.ot.log file, which contains the Open Toolkit logs.

/temp Contains temporary files created by the DITA Open Toolkit.