Select the task model

By default, IXIASOFT CCMS uses the strict task model (rather than the general task model). If you prefer to use the general task model, which offers a more flexible structure and some additional elements, you need to make that specification within your shell DTD.

If you switch to the general task model, it will be very difficult to switch back to the strict task model at a later date. Because the general task model allows structures which the strict model does not allow, there is a risk that some tasks might become invalid when you switch back to the strict model.
  1. Check out and open CompanyDitabase.dtd.

    In this section is an entity named strictTaskbody-c.def.:

    <!ENTITY % strictTaskbody-c-def 
      PUBLIC "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DITA 1.3 Strict Taskbody Constraint//EN" 
    Note: The black triangle indicates that the line is broken here to fit on the page. There is no actual line break between dtd/ and strictTaskBodyConstraint.mod.

    This entity defines the constraint that specifies that the strict task model is used.

  3. To use the general task model, comment out the strictTaskbody-c-def entity by surrounding it with <!-- and -->, as shown:
    <!--<!ENTITY % strictTaskbody-c-def 
      PUBLIC "-//OASIS//ELEMENTS DITA 1.3 Strict Taskbody Constraint//EN" 
  4. Scroll back to the DOMAINS ATTRIBUTE OVERRIDE section and find the reference to &taskbody-constraints;:
    <!ENTITY included-domains 
  5. Delete &taskbody-constraints;.

    Because you commented out the strictTaskbody constraint in step 3, the &taskbody-constraints; entity is no longer defined and must not be referenced.

  6. Save, close, and check in CompanyDitabase.dtd.