Cancel a translation
You can cancel a Unified Localization project at any time before you move the
objects to Translation:done
About this task
There are many reasons why you might need to cancel a translation project. For example, you might discover that a map needs a number of edits after you have created the Translation Manifest or even after you have sent the content to the LSP. Because editing the objects creates new revisions of them, you will need to create a new Translation Manifest to pick up the new revisions. Therefore, it's best to cancel the first Translation Manifest in this case.
Cancellation is flexible. For example, you can cancel one language in the Translation Manifest, and still complete the translation process for the other languages. You can then move the Translation Manifest to Translation:done when work is complete, even if "complete" means 4 of 5 languages in the Translation Manifest were done and one was cancelled.
Cancelled Translation Manifests and Language Manifests remain in CCMS Web but they no longer manage any objects, so they do not conflict with any ongoing projects.