Create a reusable element

You can add an ID attricute with a unique value to any element. By referencing that ID, you can reuse that element from a topic with the referable-content type in any other topic.

Before you begin

Confirm that you can create a topic with the referable-content type. If you don't see a template for a referable-content type, contact your administrator about creating a template for it.

Before you can reuse an element as a conref, you must first give it an ID attribute and add it to a topic with the referable-content type.

About this task

Tip: As a best practice, create a new topic for each element or component you want to reuse rather than having one topic with all the reusable content. To organize these new topics, you can create them in a map, which can act as a library for reusable content. This map should not be one that you use to generate output.

In IXIA Dynamic Release Management, you can reuse content only from another map in the same branch or associated library branches. Make sure that you create the map with the reusable content in the correct branch.

To create a reusable element:


  1. In Map Editor, create a new topic with the referable-content type.
    1. For the map, click Edit.
    2. Put your cursor where you want to add the new topic.
    3. On the toolbar, click Create a new topic and insert as reference icon.
    4. Name the topic and click Next.
    5. Select the referable-content topic template.
      Note: The template might have a different name depending on how your Administrator set it up.
    6. Click Create.
  2. Edit the new topic in Topic Editor.
  3. Add the element that you want to make reusable to the topic.
  4. Select the element.
  5. Right-click and select Generate IDs.

    In the Attributes panel, the id attribute has a unique value beside it.

  6. Click Check in.
    The element is ready for insertion as a conref in another topic.