Reusing content

In IXIA CCMS Web, you can reuse content instead of creating multiple copies of the same content.

Reusing topics and maps

You can reuse the same topic or submap multiples times by searching for and adding it to the same map repeatedly. You can also have different maps share the same submaps or topics.

Conditional profiling attributes

If you want to reuse a topic across many maps, but parts of the topic do not apply in all scenarios, you can use conditional profiling attributes for those parts. Instead of many versions of a topic, you can have one topic with all the alternate versions built into it.

With conditional profiling attributes you can add all the customized parts to one topic so that it can fit all the contexts in which it appears. You then hide or show those parts of the topic in the final output so that the topic is always tailored to fit its context.


If you need to reuse an element from one topic in other topics, such as a note, you can insert it in the other topics as a conref. Each element is then an instance of the original element, and any updates to the original element update to all instances across all topics.