Create a new publishing tag

You can create customized publishing tags and tag properties that users apply to a map and its topics during the Publish process.

About this task

Publishing tag values are written into each document's Custom Properties file. You can use such tags to readily identify published content by version or other attributes. For example:


For example, a user can select the Version publishing tag and enter a new version number for the map being published. Once published, the new version value appears in the published DITA map's Version column.

Important: Make configuration changes in a test environment and confirm they work before copying them to a production environment.
Figure: Configured publishing tags

To create a new publishing tag:


  1. In the TEXTML Administration perspective, connect to your server.
  2. Locate the publishtags.xml file in the repository's /system/conf collection.
  3. Check out the file and open it for editing.
  4. Create a new <tag> element; for example:
    <tag cascade="true"  label="ISBN" mandatory="false" metaname="isbn">
    Table 1. Tag element attributes
    Attribute Description Value
    cascade Determines whether the user-entered value is written to the map or to the maps children elements
    • true – User-entered value is written to all children elements, not just the map
    • false (default) – User-entered value is written to just the map
    label Determines the tag label displayed in the Publishing Tags dialog box Any sequence of characters
    mandatory Determines whether the user must enter a tag value
    • true – Publishes after user enters a value
    • false (default) – Publishes without user input
    metaname Defines the element where the user input will be written in the Custom Properties file Must be the same as the NAME attribute of the corresponding index definition
    historical Uniqueness Index If present, TEXTML Server verifies that the publishing tag value is unique within the index
    Note: For the version tag, this means users cannot reuse a publication version when publishing. To indicate that the version value entered by the user must be unique within the index, enter:
    Must be the same as the name of the corresponding index definition
  5. Create one or more <classbehavior> elements to determine how the publishing tag values will be written into the Custom Properties file of each type of object, as follows:
    <classbehavior ditaclass="- map/map" name="override" value="false"/>
    <classbehavior ditaclass="- topic/topic" name="override" value="false"/>
    Table 2. Classbehavior element attributes
    Attribute Description Value
    ditaclass The class of document object.
    Note: In this file, an image is treated as a topic by the CCMS. Publication information is written into its Custom Properties file.
    For maps, enter:
    - map/map
    For topics and images, enter:
    - topic/topic 
    name Determines the action taken with respect to existing information in an object's Custom Properties file.
    Note: Implementation depends on the value attribute.
    Only override is supported
    value Determines whether the override action is actually carried out.
    • true – Overwrites existing publishing tags with the same metaname
    • false – Adds another publishing tag with the same metaname to the object's Custom Properties file
  6. Save, close, and check in the file.
  7. Inform users of the changes.
    The changes are automatically applied once users close and then reopen their IXIA CCMS Desktop. Users can also apply the changes without restarting their CCMS Desktop by clicking IXIA CCMS > Synchronize Configuration.


When a user publishes a document using the new tag, the tag value is in the document's Custom Properties file.