Example topic specialization: FAQ
Topic specializations typically define new element types as well as their hierarchy, or structure. One publicly-available example of a topic specialization is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) specialization.
Before you integrate specializations, create and use your own custom DTD plugin. Do not itegrate specializations into IxiaDitabase.dtd or IxiaMap.dtd, as these files can be overwritten during an upgrade. These steps use the example.CompanyDitabase.dtd.
The FAQ specialization used for this procedure is available as part of the DITA-OT plugins repository on GitHub. This URL is subject to change. MadCap Software does not maintain this link and cannot verify the integrity of any files downloaded from external websites.
The FAQ specialization is just one example; integrating other specializations might require slightly different steps.
Download the FAQ specialization from GitHub.
You must download all plugins in this repository as a ZIP file by clicking the green Code button, then choosing the Download Zip option. Extract the ZIP file to access just the faq folder.
- Add the faq folder to Repository/system/plugins.
In Repository/system/catalogs, open
master-catalog.xml and add the following 2 lines.
<!--FAQ specialization --> <nextCatalog catalog="../plugins/faq/catalog.xml"/>
- Save, close, and check in master-catalog.xml.
In the faq folder, open catalog.xml
and copy the following 2 lines.
<public publicId="-//IBM//DTD DITA FAQ//EN" uri="faq_shell.dtd"/> <public publicId="-//IBM//ELEMENTS DITA FAQ//EN" uri="faq.mod"/>
- Within your custom DTD plugin, such as com.company.dita.dtd, check out and open catalog.xml.
After the last
, add a new group.<!-- FAQ --> <group xml:base="../faq/"> </group>
Make sure the
is set, which specifies that the starting point of the relative path in theuri
of the system identifiers in this group is the system/plugins/faq subfolder. Starting here keeps theuri
paths simple. -
Within the new <group>, paste the 2 lines you copied from the
catalog.xml.<!-- FAQ --> <group xml:base="../faq/"> <public publicId="-//IBM//DTD DITA FAQ//EN" uri="faq_shell.dtd"/> <public publicId="-//IBM//ELEMENTS DITA FAQ//EN" uri="faq.mod"/> </group>
- Save, close, and check in catalog.xml in your custom DTD plugin.
- Check out and open CompanyDitabase.dtd.
Add the following lines within the Topic Element Integration
<!ENTITY % faq-typemod PUBLIC "-//IBM//ELEMENTS DITA FAQ//EN" "../../faq/faq.mod" >%faq-typemod;
Note: The FAQ specialization has only a.mod
file. If your specialization also has.ent
files, you'll need to add them to the appropriate places in CompanyDitabase.dtd. - Save, close, and check in CompanyDitabase.dtd.
- Check out and open Repository/system/conf/equivalence.xml.
In the
<equivalence type="topic">
section, add the following line.Note: The line specifies that the CMS should use the same icon for FAQ topics that it does for reference topics. If you want to specify a unique icon for FAQ topics, you can add it in the location shown and edit the line accordingly.<object type="faq" icon="/system/conf/icons/reference.png"/>
- Save, close, and check in equivalence.xml.
- Check out and open Repository/system/conf/ditaclasses.xml.
After the last existing entry that begins with
<class name="- topic/topic
, add the following lines to ensure you can publish FAQ topics.Important: Copy and paste this codeblock to ensure you get the correct number of spaces in the class name betweentopic/topic
.<class name="- topic/topic faq/faq " path="//*[contains(@class, 'topic ' )]/prolog/metadata" position="//*[contains(@class, 'topic ' )]/prolog/metadata/unknown|//*[contains(@class, 'topic ' )]/prolog/metadata/foreign|//*[contains(@class, 'topic ' )]/prolog/metadata/data-about|//*[contains(@class, 'topic ' )]/prolog/metadata/data" type="faq" variables="false"/>
Why are the spaced important? The class comes from the faq.mod file in the FAQ plugin folder. At the end of the file, there is a section named
Element specialization declarations
. The first entry in that section is<!ATTLIST faq class CDATA "- topic/topic faq/faq ">
. The number of spaces you use in ditaclasses.xml must exactly match the number of spaces in the class declaration in faq.mod. -
Use a text editor or an XML editor to create a template for
topics.Tip: The simplest approach is to create the template on your desktop.Important: Use the DOCTYPE that corresponds to your custom topic shell DTD. This FAQ example uses thefaq
DOCTYPE because that is the DOCTYPE defined by the specialization.To start with, copy and paste the following codeblock into the file.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE faq PUBLIC "-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Composite//EN" "CompanyDitabase.dtd"> <faq id="faq"> <title></title> <faqbody> <faqgroup> <title></title> <faqlist> <faqitem> <faqquest></faqquest> <faqans></faqans> </faqitem> </faqlist> </faqgroup> </faqbody> </faq>
Name the template faq.xml and add it to
Repository/system/templates/topics using Insert
Note: If you have subfolders within the topics folder, add it to the appropriate subfolder.
- Restart the IXIA CCMS Desktop.
Refresh the Web Server in CCMS Web.
In CCMS Web, you might receive error messages indicating that a Public ID is defined multiple times or that the master-catalog file cannot be validated. You can ignore these errors.
Create a FAQ topic and attempt to view it in Author view.
If no errors appear, the CCMS integration is complete.(Eclipse only) If Oxygen displays an error message indicating it cannot find the CSS for FAQ topics, follow these steps:
- Select XML > Associate XSLT/CSS stylesheet.
- Click the arrow beside the folder icon to the right of the URL field and select Browse workspace.
- Browse to the system/plugins/faq folder in your workspace and select the faq.css file.
The CSS is now associated with the FAQ topic type so that Oxygen can display FAQs correctly. You only need to make this association once.
To add the FAQ specialization to IXIA CCMS Output Generator, Follow
these steps::
Add the faq folder to
Note: Depending on your CCMS Output Generator configuration, the DITA-OT path might vary.
- Run the integrator to integrate the plugin.
Add the faq folder to