Defines methods for integration of specializations into IXIA CCMS Desktop, including common customizations for DTDs and custom DTD plugins.
The method you use to add and upload a custom DTD plugin to your framework extension for IXIA CCMS Web is in the Administration Guide for IXIA CCMS.
You can create a custom DTD plugin that complies with DITA 1.3 standards by following the related tasks for your configuration.
You can create a custom DTD plugin that complies with DITA 1.2 standards by following the related tasks for your configuration.
As delivered, the map shell DTD does not include any constraints or other items to customize. You can, of course, integrate constraints, exclude domains, or make other changes to the map shell.
IXIA CCMS Desktop is flexible enough to integrate any topic, map, domain, or attribute specialization that conforms to standard DITA specialization practices.