Install IXIA TEXTML Server (Linux)

This procedure describes how to install IXIA TEXTML Server on Linux.

Before you begin

This task assumes that you copied the .bin installation file to the Linux machine, in the /tmp folder.
Note: You must perform this procedure as user root.

About this task

When you install TEXTML Server4.4, you also create a TEXTML Server instance. The 4.4 instance is the service that runs the TEXTML Server software.

The name of the service is



<instance name> is the name of the service, such as ts01 or

To install TEXTML Server on Linux:


  1. Open a command-line interface to the Linux machine as user root, using a secure shell client such as PuTTY.
  2. Run the following command to install bzip2, Perl and libxslt:
    yum install bzip2 perl libxslt
  3. Go to the /tmp folder and run the following command:
    sh <installer_name>
    For example:
    sh setuptextmlserver-gcc4.8-Linux-x86_64-
    The following message displays:
    Textmlserver installation
    (I)nstallation (default) or files (E)xtract only? (I/e)
  4. Press Enter to launch the installation.
    The following message displays:
    Installation files will be extracted in: /tmp/25005/
    Note: The extraction location (tmp/25005 in the example above) is a temporary folder labeled with a random numerical string.
  5. When the extraction completes and at the resulting prompt, enter C for the customized install option.
    (F)ull Installation (default) or (C)ustomized Installation (F/c) 
    For the IXIA CCMS, you only need the following components:
    • TEXTML Server
    • Clients
    • Administration Console
      Note: Install the console only if you have a graphic interface running on the Linux server; if you plan to access TEXTML Server from a console located on another machine, you do not need to install the Administration Console now.
  6. Press Enter.

    The following message displays:

    Customized Installation...
    Textmlserver Installation? (Y/n)
  7. Press Enter.

    The following message displays:

    Samples files Installation? (Y/n) 
  8. Type N to skip the Samples files installation and press Enter.
    The following message displays:
    Clients Installation (Perl and Java)? (Y/n)
  9. Press Enter.

    The following message displays.

    Administration Console Installation? (Y/n) 
  10. Press Enter.
    If the following message displays, press Enter.
    Update the textml common libraries? (Y/n)
    The following message displays:
    Specify location for Ixiasoft folder (Default: /opt/ixiasoft)
  11. Specify the location for TEXTML Server, or press Enter to install to the default location.
    The installation runs. Messages similar to the following display, depending on the components you install:
    Textmlserver will be installed in: /opt/ixiasoft
                        Installing Textmlserver...
                        Installing libraries...
                        Installing Metaservices...
                        Installing clients (Perl, Php, Java)
                        Installing Administration Console...
                        Installing samples
    When the TEXTML Server successfully installs, the following message displays:
    Are you ready to configure your installation? (Y/n)
  12. Press Enter.
    The following message displays:
    Do you want to (create/update/delete) a Textml Server instance? (create)
  13. Choose one of the following actions:
    • If this is the first time that you are installing IXIA TEXTML Server, or if you are updating an existing installation but want to create a new instance of TEXTML Server, press Enter.
    • If you are updating an existing installation and want to use the same instance name, enter update and press Enter.

    The following message displays:

    What is the path that will contain all TextmlServer instances?
  14. Press Enter to accept the default path.
    If this directory does not exist, a message similar to the following displays:
    The path "/opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver" does not exist currently. This
    program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this
    what you want? [yes]
    Press Enter to accept.
    A message similar to the following then displays:
    The list of instances of Textml Server:
    End of the list
    What is the name of the instance? [default]
    If TEXTML Server instances are already installed on the server, they are listed. For example:
    The list of instances of Textml Server:
    End of the list
  15. Enter the name of the TEXTML Server instance to create or update and press Enter.
    The following message displays:
    What user ID to use? [textml]
    This is the name of the user that runs the TEXTML Server instance. When you create a docbase, you must give write permissions on the docbase folder to this username.

    You can specify an existing user. If you specify a user that does not exist, the installation procedure creates it.

  16. To accept textml as the username (recommended), press Enter, and then respond to the notification you receive.
    • If you are updating an existing installation, you see the following message and this task is complete.
    • If you are creating a new instance, the following message displays:
      Do you want to install textmlserver as a service? [yes]
  17. To configure the TEXTML Server component so that it starts automatically when the TEXTML Server service is started, press Enter.
    The installation program confirms that the TEXTML Server configuration completed:
    The following message displays:
    Configuring Clients.… 
    Which action do you want (install/delete) the Client APIs? [install] 
  18. Press Enter.
    The following message displays:
    What is the path that will contain all Client APIs? 
  19. To accept the default path, press Enter.
    If this directory does not exist, a message similar to the following displays:
    The path "/opt/ixiasoft/clients" does not exist currently. This
    program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this
    what you want? [yes]
    Press Enter to accept. The installation program confirms that the configuration is complete.