Obtain and activate a TEXTML Server license (Linux)

You must activate your IXIA TEXTML Server license before you can start TEXTML Server on Linux.

About this task

This procedure is only necessary the first time you install TEXTML Server. Additional TEXTML Server instances you create for clusters or TEXTML Server upgrades do not require re-activation of your license.

To obtain and activate a TEXTML Server license on Linux:


  1. On the Linux machine, open the folder for your TEXTML Server instance.
    cd /opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver/ts01
  2. Invoke the DisplayServerId command:
    The Server ID displays.
  3. Copy the server ID.
  4. Open an email and in the To space, enter: Support-DITA@ixiasoft.com.
  5. Enter a Subject and body text.

    Subject: License

    Text: Request for TEXTML Server license number

    Additional information that helps identify your server, such as your server name and whether that server is for development, test, or production usage.

  6. Paste the server ID into the body of the email, and press Send.
  7. When you receive an email reply with your license ID, save the attached license file (IxiaLicense.ilf) to the license folder:
    Note: The license file must have the .ilf extension. Some email programs add the .txt extension to the file, which prevents TEXTML Server from starting.


Your TEXTML Server on Linux is licensed and ready for usage.