Create a map
You can create various types of maps.
About this task
IXIA CCMS offers you templates for the standard ditamaps and MadCap Software's referable_content_library ditamap. In addition, your system may contain custom templates designed for use in your particular working environment. You will see them in the Map template pane whenever you create a map.
If your working environment has a large number of templates, these may be organized into folders, which will appear in the Map Template pane.
When you create a map, you have the option of assigning your own ID
to the map. You can then use this ID – or any portion of the ID – to search for the
map in the repository. For example, if you create the ID "Interim_version_3" you can
search for the map using "Interim" or "version" or "3". You can obtain this
user-defined ID using the Copy ID procedure.
Note: Map IDs must follow
the naming conventions.
Note: Any object you create is
automatically assigned to you.