Refreshed configuration files
When you refresh IXIA CCMS Web in the Administration area, it updates the configuration using the latest revision of the configuration files, but does not refresh all the configuration files.
Refreshed configuration files are:
Note: Configuration files with an asterik (*) are only in IXIA Dynamic Release Management (DRM).
- accessrights.xml
- additionalColumnDefinitions.xml
- allreferences.xml
- approval_status.xml
- autogenerated.config.xml
- bmanifest_status.xml
- collaborativereview_status.xml
- comments.xml
- conditionaltext.xml
- container_status.xml*
- ditaval_status.xml
- equivalence.xml
- externaltypes.xml
- fallthroughmanager.xml
- groups.xml
- image_status.xml
- languages.xml
- map_status.xml
- mimetypes.xml
- multiimage.xml
- product_status.xml*
- project_status.xml
- removeprocinstriggers.xml
- release_status.xml*
- resources.xml
- resource_status.xml
- roles.xml
- search.options.xml
- snapshot_status.xml
- status.xml
- topic_status.xml
- triggerswebplatform.xml
- users.xml
- version_status.xml*
- votingsystems.xml
- web.platform.config.xml
- webroles.xml