Structure view in Map Editor

In Structure view, the contents of a map appear in a dynamic grid. You can use the Structure view to quickly make simple changes to the map.

In Structure view, you can take actions on any object in the map, whether or not the map is checked out.

When you check out a map with the Edittoggle enabled, you can perform a number of edits to the map, such as:

  • Add an object or element, new or existing

  • Remove an objects or elements

  • Move or reorganize objects and elements within in a map

  • Rename a map

In the Actions column, you can take actions such as:

  • Edit an object in another tab

  • Move an object to another status

  • Modify a taxonomy term applied to an object

Note: During map edits, you must switch the toggle to View. This provides you access to the available actions for objects in the Actions column.
Figure: Structure view with callouts
Structure view





Breadcrumb path

Provides object title and any related context


Dynamic grid

Provides access to all related child objects for the parent map


Map Edit column or Actions column, depending on toggled state

Displays the available editorial actions for parent map

  • Map Edit, based on activeEdit toggle, allows users to edit the map

  • Actions, based on activeView toggle, allows users to take actions on objects in the map, such as edits or status changes


Toggle to edit or view maps and topics

Allows users to switch between edits to the structure of the map and edits to the child topics.

  • Active Edit toggle allows users to edits to an reorganization of the map and gives users access to items in the Map Edit column, such as add, remove, move, or cut actions

  • Active Viewtoggle allows users to take actions on any object in the map and gives users access to items in the Actions column


Toggle to switch editors

Allows users to switch between the Content view and Structure view


Side Panel

Access to different useful panels, according to the context


You can click on any of the panels to access or hide the related content.

  • Details icon Details panel: Provides additional information for the object such as status, assignees, and last check in date

  • Taxonomy Terms icon Taxonomy Terms panel: Provides the taxonomy terms currently applied to the object


Action buttons

Access to all currently allowed actions for the object


More options

Access to more related menu options, depending on the view or page