You can add several objects to your Favoris side panel at the same time.
For multiple objects that you want to favorite, click the checkbox beside each
Remarque : You can have different types of objects in the
basket at the same time.
The bulk action ribbon appears with the number of objects you
selected and automatically updates as you select more
From the bulk action ribbon's Action dropdown list,
select Ajouter aux favoris.
- Facultatif :
To see a list of the objects, click the ribbon to expand it.
When you expand the ribbon, you see the
Grille view. The
État column
indicates the object can be added to your favorites.
Click Continuer.
In the Ajouter aux favoris dialog, take one of the
following actions:
- Select a folder you already created
- Create a new folder
Click Ajouter.
The objects you selected are added to your favorites and the ribbon
turns green. If any objects could not be added, the ribbon appears red. Expand the
ribbon for more details.Remarque : You can click Nouvelle action to take
another action on the same objects.