Ditaval usage

A ditaval is a set of rules to manage the conditional profiling attributes in a map and its children topics when you generate the related output.

You can create a ditaval object and then use the Ditaval Editor to set the rules in it. The ditaval can specify which values for conditional profiling attributes to include or exclude when generating an output. Conditional profiling attributes that are excluded do not appear in the final output.

Note: By default, if a ditaval does not specify whether to include or exclude a particular conditional profiling attribute, then it is automatically included in the generated output. To exclude a conditional profiling attributes, you must explicitly configure a ditaval to exclude it.

Once created and configured, you can then apply this ditaval to content when you generate an output. Using a ditaval ensures that conditions are always applied consistently to generated output.

Example of a ditaval configuration

Consider a map with three conditional profiling attributes and two possible values for each:

Table 1. Sample conditional profiling attributes for ditaval configuration
Attribute Option


  • Linux

  • Windows


  • Admin

  • Writer


  • T34

  • B52

You might create one ditaval for each combination that you need to generate. The following code shows an example of how you would configure the ditaval for generating the Administration Guide for the B52 release on Linux:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
				<prop action="include" att="audience" val="admin"/>
				<prop action="exclude" att="audience" val="writer"/>	
				<prop action="include" att="platform" val="linux"/>
				<prop action="exclude" att="platform" val="windows"/>
				<prop action="include" att="product" val="B52"/>
				<prop action="exclude" att="product" val="T34"/>

Actions for conditional profiling attribute

In a ditaval, you can define additional actions for IXIA CCMS Web to take beyond including and excluding. In Ditaval Editor, you can tell CCMS Web to take any of the following actions:

Table 2. Possible actions for conditional profiling attribute




Include content, but output flagged by formatting
Note: With selection, you have additional options about how to format the flagged content such as: style, color, and background.


Include content in generated output


Exclude content from generated output


Include content in generated output while retaining the condition as part of the output