Collaborative Review page

The Collaborative Review page is where reviewers add annotations with their feedback on the content for the writers to review.

To get to the Collaborative Review page, click the Review icon (Review icon) on the My Assignments page.

A Collaborative Review is different from editing a topic or map. In a Collaborative Review, you add annotations to the content that is there instead of editing the content directly. On the Collaborative Review page you can also see any other annotations made by other users who are also assigned to the same Collaborative Review.

A writer creates a Collaborative Review from a map, so all the topics in the map appear in the Collaborative Review.

Figure: Collaborative Review page with areas numbered
Collaborative Review page
Number Description
1 Navigation bar
2 Breadcrumb path and title
3 Table of Contents side panel
4 Body Content area showing annotations
5 Move button to mark the Collaborative Review as done
6 Side Panel containing information that is organized into smaller panels

You can expand or collapse these panels by clicking on their titles.

  • Details panel: Shows additional information on the Collaborative Review such as status, due date, and last modified date.
  • Annotations panel: Shows the comments for each highlighted area.
7 Button to jump back to top